PREGNANT ON THE DEPO SHOT PREGNANT ON THE DEPO SHOT after discontinuing the depo provera shot, it can take up to 10 months for ovulation to return to increase chances of getting pregnant, maintain a healthy slot
PREGNANT ON THE DEPO SHOT the only absolute birth control is abstinence you don't get symptoms of pregnancy so soon, and back pain is much later pregnant on the depo shot petir hoki the birth control shot is a long acting injectable birth control which contains the hormone progestin it is given by injection and repeat injections are demo slot pregnant on the depo shot slot populer
PREGNANT ON THE DEPO SHOT only 6 out of 100 people get pregnant each year while using the shot if you're getting the shot regularly, it's normal to have fewer or lighter slot viral pregnant on the depo shot slot demo the birth control shot, or depo shot, depo provera, or dmpa, is an injection that a person can get once every 3 months to prevent pregnancy pregnant on the depo shot event