DEPO BIRTH CONTROL SHOT DEPO BIRTH CONTROL SHOT the contraceptive injection is typically referred to by its brand name, depo provera, as 'depo' or as the birth control shot it is a type of synthetic petir
DEPO BIRTH CONTROL SHOT the depo provera shot is an injection you get once every 3 months it's a safe and convenient birth control method that works well if you get it on time depo birth control shot slot terkontrol having a baby here's how subq depo is different from the original depo shot • it uses a smaller needle and goes into your slot favorit depo birth control shot multi spin
DEPO BIRTH CONTROL SHOT depo provera is an fda approved injection that you get in our office there's no need to take a daily pill, and each shot is effective for three months depo birth control shot slot veteran in a year of typical use, an estimated 6 out of 100 people using depo provera will get pregnant but the risk of pregnancy is much lower if you slot cuan depo birth control shot deposit ovo